It was a hot one but we made it to the Miami County Rabbit Advisors double show in Piqua this past weekend. June has been an awfully hot and humid month and this day was not kind to the humans or rabbits despite the fact this was an evening show. In show A and show B Big Times Bunzilla took BOB and Big Times Delilah took BOSB. I was surprised there was such a good showing of English Angoras with about 25 present.
Judge Stacy going over Bunzilla.
I like it when we get Stacy as the judge, she comes with her own writer! It's her mom and she keeps things rolling.
Judge Kevin going over Delilah.
Bunzilla getting the once over.
I am happy (and hot) that both my rabbits got 'legs'. Delilah is still a junior and acquired 2 legs so we look forward to the fall for that last senior leg.