Wednesday, January 21, 2009

How to groom a puppy

Ask any dog groomer how well they like to groom a puppy for the first time and they will probably say, "Not at all!" Puppies have the attention span of a gnat and it is like grooming a moving target. I often wonder to myself, " How in the heck am I going to make this dog look decent?" when I get a new puppy to groom. Fortunately, 13 years of experience and determination on my part get me through and I usually amaze myself that not only does the dog look good but nobody got hurt. And that's always a good thing. These are pictures of my new Bouvier puppy friend Andy experiencing his first big boy haircut.

Andy is a wiggle worm.

Andy is behaving.... For the moment.

We can be friends, can't we?

Andy is done with my services.