Tuesday, July 31, 2012

National Mutt Day

Depending on whose calendar you are consulting, today is National Mutt Day.  Some say today, some say December 2 but I am willing to compromise and celebrate it BOTH days!  Here are two very special mutts celebrating their mixed breed heritage.

Angus got a special Mutt Day haircut.  Doesn't he look stunning? 

Looks like Wesson just found out it's HIS special day!  He is so very excited.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

More Bluebirds!

We were gifted with another clutch of Bluebirds July 20- love, love, love the Bluebirds.

First arrival.

Early bird gets the worm.

Day 2.  All have hatched.

Day 8, now you know why they call them Bluebirds:)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Delilah and Bunzilla's babies

Well, babies no more.  The 4 little ones have just turned 6 months old and are now considered seniors for the purpose of showing.  My, how time flies!  Now all I need is a show.

I feel so smart, I was able to incorporate their names in the photos.  Doesn't take much to excite me;)

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Rabbit collage

It only took me 2 hours but I was feeling a little creative yesterday afternoon and made this collage of the recently turned senior buns.  Photo Shop Editor is a complex program for this mediocre computer person! 
I will reveal their true identities in another post.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Sweetpea yarn

It's been a while but not much has been noteworthy in regards to rabbits or fiber due to the heat and peak season at the boarding kennel.  That's not a bad thing, just a busy thing!  I surprised myself with having enough free time to spin a few ounces of Sweetpea's fiber.  It seems to take forever to get enough off of her to be able to ply but it's worth it when it's all done.  She's an old girl now, north of 7 years old, so I can't expect a lot of fiber.  This will always be my favorite natural color to spin, I don't feel compelled to dye it as it is lovely the way it is. 

I hope to make it to the Warren County fair this week.  Perhaps I will have some photos to post later on. 


162 yards.