Thursday, January 31, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Laura loves the bunnies (NOT)
Thursday, January 24, 2008
How big are they?
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Sunday, January 20, 2008
1) I was able to convert a ZIP file into a JPEG in minimal time, and
2) Is this rabbit beautiful or what?!
I was fortunate enough to own Chu's Marissa and she also happens to be the granddam of my current baby bunnies. Aside from producing fantastic English Angoras Marissa's breeder Betty also takes fantastic pictures. I am not sure what I am paying more for, the rabbit or the great pictures that come with them. You can see more of her winners at
I am hoping her grandchildren turn out as beautiful as her.
A beautiful day in the neighborhood

Well, no not really. If I didn't know any better I would think these pictures suggested an 80 degree day with blue skies. Blue skies for sure... But it was a balmy 10 degrees when these pictures were taken with a low of 0 degrees when I finally forced myself out of my nice warm bed. On the bright side, there was no snow to contend with. I just find it odd that it can be this cold and not a flake of snow to be seen.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
A silk purse from a sow's ear

A friend of mine is very good at making something from nothing. She shared with me a trick of using some of the fiber that I would normally throw away after shearing a rabbit to make 'lumpy' novelty type of yarn. I am so obsessed with over grooming my rabbits that it never occured to me that I could use less than perfect stuff. The first picture is not dinner. It is the spun yarn taking a dye bath. Doesn't that look cool? The second picture is the yarn ready to be knitted. It is one ply angora and one ply cotton thread.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Thursday, January 17, 2008
New toy
Just when I think I might run out of things to blog about... I gave the buns some cardboard tubing today. What fun to watch them discover something new!
I love fuzzy bunny butts!
I love fuzzy bunny butts!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
The prodigal son returns

Meet Kitty Man otherwise known as the black cat WITH a tail. We have another black cat without a tail so for identifications purposes we often refer to him as the one with a tail. In recent months Kitty Man has defected to the neighbor's house where they call him 'Louis.' Yet another alias. If this black male cat with a medium build and yellow-green eyes shows up on your doorstep DO NOT feed him. He is WANTED at Big Times.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Diamonds ARE a girls best friend

Initially, I bought English Angora for fiber. They grow lots of hair, you cut it off, you spin it, and then knit something with it. The process continues every several months. No animals are harmed in the process. Sweetpea is not a show rabbit but rather a producer of lovely black fiber. Due to the fineness of the fiber which makes it so soft, the colors are rather dilute. See the resemblence between the two pictures? Sweetpea is now on my hands.
Fortunately, Sweetpea has such a redeeming quality as she can be quite crabby!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Stop moving!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Hello Kitty meets English Angora

Ahh, the best of both worlds! Here is a picture of a recent project I completed. A friend sent me a pattern to knit a 5 inch Hello Kitty doll so I thought I would give it a try with some handspun angora. The pink portion is dyed using Kool-aid.
I know, I know too much time on my hands but I just had to try it.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner....

and Midnight Snack. That is what Poncho would like to name the bunnies. Officially meet Poncho our robust 20 lb. paper weight not to be confused with Morty, our lesser version of a black and white cat. His hobbies consist of sleeping, eating, and terrorizing incoming boarding dogs. Recently he has acquired a new hobby of BUNNY WATCHING! I haven't seen this much focus from Poncho since I opened the last can of cat food. Something tells me Poncho has tasted wild rabbit before.
"Are you my mother?"
The baby bunny is confused as she finds out all things furry are NOT her mother.
Meet Morty once again. He is my little stalker! Wherever I go, there he is. I guess all that squeezing and kissing backfired as he cannot be deterred from sitting in my lap. He will even condesecent to share it with the little white fluff ball. He still thinks he is cute-r!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
2 Photos
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
A dandelion??
Monday, January 7, 2008
The girls
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Laura meets the bunnies

Laura has always enjoyed watching 'Bunny TV.' In fact, she use to watch Farrah as a tiny bunny so my rabbits are quite use to dogs. In the first photo it looks like she is asking Farrah if she can see her babies. I kindly show her one while Farrah keeps an eye on Laura. Laura can sit and watch for a long time. Fortunately, Laura is quite good with all animals so there is no real danger as long as I am standing there.
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